During the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions have been imposed in the Riga Maternity Hospital

13.03.2020 PDF

To do everything possible to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the maternity hospital, Riga Maternity Hospital has taken the decision, to suspend patient visits and to exclude accompanying persons (including the partner, doula, mother, friend etc. of the woman giving birth) from participating in the childbirth.

Accompanying persons who are already in the Maternity Hospital, will have to comply with the internal rules adapted for the quarantine situation until the patient is discharged.

The delivery of parcels to the patients will be organized through the Maternity Hospital's central security post (entrance A, lobby).

The Maternity Hospital also has an action plan on how to organize care, minimizing interactions between patients as far as possible. All public events, including Family School classes and lectures, have also been canceled during the restrictions at the Maternity Hospital.

The restrictions have been adopted to protect the health and life of mothers and newborns and to support the general public’s epidemiological safety measures.